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Refund Policy

— Purpose

This policy aims to achieve a hassle-free, transparent refund process for students whose parents need to withdraw their ward from the School.
All staff members are expected to adhere to the refund policy for all admission cancellations.

— Scope

This policy applies to all admission cancellation requests received by the School.

— Refund Principles and Practice

The following principles and practices form the foundation for this policy:

  • Uniform and transparent refund policy shall apply for all admission cancellation requests.
  • No deviation to the rules framed hereunder shall be allowed.
  • All requests shall be promptly processed in the interest of the students.
  • Avoid confrontations regarding refund by patiently explaining the Refund Policy adopted by the School to the parent.
— Refunds

Admissions for the upcoming session usually commence during the last part of the ongoing session. Depending upon when in the academic session a withdrawal application is received by the School, a student may or may not be entitled to a refund of fees under various heads, as explained below:

  1. Before the commencement of the academic session
    The security deposit, annual fee, and tuition fee to the extent paid and subject to Clause 6 herein, the transport fee (if applicable) to the extent paid will be refunded along with PDC submitted towards the Second part of the Admission Fee. The First part of the Admission Fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  2. After the commencement of the academic session but before 30th day of June
    The security deposit, annual fee after deducting pro-rated annual fee for the first quarter, tuition fee after deducting the tuition fee upto the month in which the application for withdrawal is received or the date of the last class attended by the student, whichever is later; there shall be no part refund for the remaining days of the month(s) and subject to Clause 6 herein, the transport fee (if applicable) in a similar way as tuition fee, will be refunded. The PDC submitted towards the Second part of the Admission Fee will also be refunded. The First part of the Admission Fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  3. After 30th day of June but before the Annual Fee for the subsequent academic session has been paid
    The security deposit, annual fee after deducting pro-rated annual fee for the quarter(s) during which the application for withdrawal is received <there shall be no part refund for the remaining month(s) and day(s) of the quarter, subsequent to the date of withdrawal application>, tuition fee after deducting the tuition fee upto the month in which the application for withdrawal is received or the date of the last class attended by the student, whichever is later; <there shall be no part refund for the remaining days of the month(s) and day(s) of the quarter>and subject to Clause 6 herein, the transport fee (if applicable) in a similar way as tuition fee, will be refunded. The First and Second part of the Admission Fee (which falls due for payment on 1st day of July of the first session) will not be refunded.
  4. In the last quarter, beginning in January, after having paid the annual fee for the subsequent session and the tuition fee for the last quarter but before the commencement of the subsequent session
    1. For a student who has not appeared in the final examination, the security deposit, annual fee paid in advance for the subsequent session, tuition fee for the last quarter beginning in January after deducting the tuition fee upto the month in which the application for withdrawal is received or the date of the last class attended by the student, whichever is later; <there shall be no part refund for the remaining month(s) and days of the month(s) and subject to Clause 6 herein, the transport fee (if applicable) in a similar way as tuit>ion fee will be refunded. The First and Second part of the Admission Fee will not be refunded.
    2. For a student who has been assessed for the final term examination, only the security deposit and the annual fee paid in advance for the subsequent session shall be refunded. The First and Second part of the Admission Fee and any part of tuition fee and transport fee will be not refunded.
  5. Any time after the commencement of the second academic session The security deposit, pro-rated annual fee for the quarter(s)upto the quarter in which the application for withdrawal is received or the last class attended by the student; whichever is later;<there shall be no part refund for the remaining for the remaining month(s) and day(s) of the quarter>, paid in advance for the second session, shall be refunded. The tuition fee after deducting the tuition fee upto the month in which the application has been received (there shall be no part refund for the remaining days of the month and subject to Clause 6 herein, the transport fee (if applicable) in a similar way as tuition fee) will also be refunded. The First and Second part of the Admission Fee will not be refunded.
  6. Transport Fee
    Notice of discontinuation of transport services should be served at least one month in advance and latest by the 3rd day of a month. In such cases transport fees shall be payable till the end of the month during which the discontinuation notice is received or till the end of the month during which the student last avails transport service (whichever is later). Notices of discontinuation received after the 3rd day of a month, shall be deemed to have been served on the 3rd day of the following month. In such cases transport fees shall be payable till the end of the following month or till the end of the month during which the student last avails transport service (whichever is later). Illustration: Where a notice of discontinuation is served on 2nd September, 2018 for discontinuation from October, 2018 or later then the transport fee shall be payable till the end of September, 2018 or the end of last month during which the student avails transport service (whichever is later). However where a notice of discontinuation is served on 4th September, 2018 transport fee shall be payable till the end of October, 2018 or the end of the last month during which the student avails transport service (whichever is later).
— Deductions

Refund of Security Deposits are subject to deductions on account of dues, fines, non-submission of Identity cards, library fines, loss of locker key, damage to School property etc.

  1. Where students seek readmission in the same academic session or the immediately succeeding academic session in which the application for withdrawal/cancellation of admission was made or in the next academic session, such students shall be entitled to 50% concession in the Admission Fee, applicable during the period of readmission .
  2. In all other cases, 100% of the admission fee prevailing at the time of admission shall be payable.
  3. All readmissions shall however, be subject to reassessment of students and availability of seats and at the sole discretion of the School Management.
  4. For clarity, readmission cannot be demanded as a matter of right under the provisions of this policy and only entails the right to avail a concession upon readmission.
— Review of Policy

We limit access to personal information to those who have a business need or third parties provided we protect the information not to use the information for any other purpose. We may disclose personal information to government departments, medical practitioners, any one authorized by an individual to receive their information, people providing service to the school, including visiting teachers, sport coaches, etc.

  1. This policy and its application shall be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.
  2. The School reserves the right to amend these policies and/or procedures as it deems necessary.
Integrated Campus
Bara kanthalia, Barrackpore, Telini Para, Kolkata - 700121
Phone: 7980738879
Copyright © 2025 RERF Group of Institutions.